Summer Sweet

Summer Sweet - Originated on the farm of Ichabod Thomas, Sidney, ME, about 1800. It is sometimes confused with Hightop Sweeting (also called Summer Sweeting) which originated in Plymouth, MA. One of several rare varieties that longtime collector and orchardist Earland Goodhue of Sidney introduced to John many years ago. Earland said it was the first apple the neighborhood kids coveted every summer when Earland was growing up in Sidney 100 years ago. Usually ripens around the first week of September although we have picked them as early as August 10th.


The medium-small (2"), tasty yellow fruit has a beautiful golden apricot-orange blush and usually has russet around the stem area. Sometimes there is russet netting or bits of russet around the basin rim. The basin is very round and deep, for a small apple, so that it resembles a bird's nest or a donut. The yellow flesh is firm and somewhat dry with a thick skin when it first ripens, but the flesh and skin soften after it is picked. Summer Sweet has a mild sweet flavor, best for fresh eating or sauce. It makes a thick, creamy, tropical-flavored sauce—with hints of banana and pineapple -that takes a while to cook down and may need some added water to keep it from burning to the bottom of the pot.